Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 Thank you for making this show a reality!

Singing with the kids outside the last three days of rehearsal, bearing the wind and cold and reveling in the sunshine, rolling with the hiccups and roadblocks, temperature checks and masks through it all they still arrive, full of smiles, with never-ending energy and unfailing optimism! 

This Saturday will be the toughest test of their resolve and commitment to make this the best pandemic- High School Musical Jr. -that's ever been attempted...but seriously, I have no doubt they'll rise to the occasion!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to say, thanks! From the bottom of my heart!  They really make it all so worth it!

With much love, Kristen Chapman

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Did you forget to order your tshirts for your child?


It's okay!  We all have those days...the order window is 2 more hours.  You have until 3PM today for those final orders.

Thanks, Kristen

Sunday, March 28, 2021


SCHEDULE FOR THIS WEEK: All rehearsals 3-5PM at the middle school

MONDAY, March 29 - Count on You, Bop to the Top (callbacks), We're All In This Together, Brainiacs, Jocks, Sharpay, Ryan, Gabriella, Troy, Cora, and all understudies 44degrees, plan for outside rehearsal (jackets, etc).

TUESDAY, March 30 - ALL CAST SINGING REHEARSAL OUTSIDE. 61 degree high and sunny plan accordingly.

WEDNESDAY, March 31 - ALL CAST DANCE/BLOCKING REHEARSAL - meet in my room and we will go to the gym together.  You may not be used the whole time during this rehearsal, we are starting at the beginning of the show and moving forward. There is a nearly 50 percent chance of rain so this is a good day to use the gym as a "stage".

THURSDAY, April 1 - Same call as Monday but no Sharpay or Ryan.  Starting with singing, and blocking outside or inside weather dependent. Nearly a 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms.

FRIDAY, April 2 - ALL CAST - FINAL SINGING REHEARSAL FOR OUR RECORDING TOMORROW, working out all the kinks! SUNNY and colder 36 degrees dress for the weather, we are capitalizing on the sunshine, bring WATER!

SATURDAY, April 3 - BIG DAY 9AM sharp we will start, please plan on arriving for temperature checks between 8:30-8:55AM (eat breakfast please). The high for the day is just 48 degrees but not until we are wrapping so plan on needing blankets and coats, we will be on the shaded bleachers of the football field. Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses anything that will make you more comfortable and less sick are good ideas. I will have access to the school for bathroom breaks but they will be planned breaks in the morning and then again around lunchtime. 

This is a big week coming up, please get good rest, and do everything to protect your voices and your efforts for this show. Make sure you are practicing the music, the music is located as a materials tab under the Classwork tab here in Classroom.  Thank you all for your hard work and dedication!  Let's do this!!!



~Ms. Chapman

Friday, March 26, 2021


RECORDING DAY IS SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd 9 AM - 1:30 PM (it might run over) please have your child pack a lunch, and if sunny wear sunscreen, a water bottle is also highly suggested.  Also, suggested something to do quietly when not recording, talking out of turn, and any other distractions we simply won't have time for. We will be outside for the entire time.  I will have access to bathrooms.


Thank you for your cooperation with this special circumstance.

Also, Sunday the 28th of March is the ABSOLUTE LAST DAY FOR T-SHIRTS - please don't forget. You can choose to pick up rather than ship to your home.  I am the point person.


We are so close, technically 5 weeks (minus April break) until show day!

Sincerely thank you all, for your wonderfully talented kids and the time involved to make this happen.  We are loving being together making theater happen again in real-time, even if we had to make a few concessions like pre-recording.  

You all rock, Kristen Chapman and Production Team

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Where do I send donations?

 You all are so wonderful! 

I have been getting this question a lot lately, and I figured I would make a post regarding this question in case you are so inclined.  Thank you to those that already have sent in donations toward this year's musical.  

Donations can be made out to:

HMMS with MUSICAL 2021 on the Memo line.

These checks can be dropped off to me at the middle school. Every little bit helps defray the costs of this odd covid year, with recording fees and streaming, etc necessary to the successful design of High School Musical Jr. 

Stay tuned for more information and possible fundraising coming up, and don't forget t-shirts are on sale through Friday the 26th, you won't want to forget to order your student's t-shirt!

Thank you, Kristen Chapman


Monday, March 22, 2021




 Good Morning - 

Rehearsals this week changed:

M and Th - Thespians, Sharpay, Ryan and Darbus

T, W and F Status Quo - ALL CAST!

Don't forget your t-shirts this week is the last week to order (select pick up, they will be delivered to me and I will get them to the cast).

Thank you, Kristen 


Thursday, March 18, 2021

A short week - done!

 The kids are doing so well!

The boys for the Getcha Head in the Game did a wonderful job of working hard and making that number a reality quickly.

Because of their hard work we are moving ahead and have changed next week's schedule a bit, please make sure to favorite this page and to check the calendar, that is where the schedule is located.  Questions should be emailed to me at please do not call the front office regarding the musical, they have to ask me typically anyway...😉

If for some reason your child or you don't know what group your child is assigned for the production the cast list is linked on the right side of this screen under the tab Cast List 2021.

Please don't forget to order your t-shirts!


Otherwise, everything is heading in the right direction.

I will be sending out a doodle poll through the classroom about recording dates.

Please be sure to discuss the best dates for your family and answer the doodle ASAP it will help us with our recording of the show and the best possible date for everyone.

Currently, I am thinking April 3rd, Saturday from 9AM - 1PM.

Thank you for your support, Kristen Chapman

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Tick tock goes the clock...

Another day of rehearsals done, blocking and singing coming along.  The group is really so talented!

Thank you to the understudies for being present and willing to sit around with the possibility of getting in some blocking but the very real possibility of just watching because of limited time.  This young group is wonderful!

Today's rehearsal and tomorrow (March 16th and 17th) are for the JOCKS, Troy and Chad listed on the cast list, these are choreography rehearsals and will take place in the gym.

Thursday and Friday there is no rehearsal because of the half-day and in-service.

Miss North has uploaded videos for the cast to the classroom under classwork for the "All In This Together" dance from last week.  Please keep practicing!

The music has been uploaded as well, please practice and then practice again!

The recording is being worked out and more information will be coming shortly.  This will take place on a weekend.

Don't forget the musical t-shirts are on sale now!  ORDER yours before it's too late!


Thanks, everyone, stay warm!

Kristen Chapman/Ms. Chapman

Sunday, March 14, 2021


 Good Sunday Evening - 

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! 

When you are reading the schedule going forward, please make note of the group your child is aligned with.

Named characters and their understudies are pretty straightforward I would think but then the groups can get confusing.

Below I will write out the groups needed for specific numbers so that hopefully we can avoid confusion.

As we head into this shorter week of rehearsals I am looking forward to another productive couple of hours to make headway and get closer to our production.

Reminder there is no rehearsal on either Thursday or Friday this week because of the half-day Thursday and the in-service scheduled for this Friday. 

The t-shirt order link is up and running CLICK HERE select the pick-up option (you'll collect the orders from me at the middle school) unless your family members are from out of town and then they can select the mail to them option.

As always, I will try to keep the students just 2 hours and update you a week in advance if we need to make changes to the schedule, with COVID I can't make promises, but I will try.

Thank you and here's to week 2!~Kristen 

Groups needed for the various numbers in the show below:

Named Characters and Understudies:

Troy Bolton - Matthew Tsouknakis, Understudy - Rex Baning

Gabriella Montez - Macy Bettwieser, Understudy - Aspen Wescott

Taylor McKessi - Anna Burge, Understudy - Skye Martin

Chad Danforth - Rex Baning, Understudy - Kevin Sumner

Sharpay Evans - Charlotte Winn, Understudy - Paeton Griswold 

Ryan Evans - Tate Mosenthal, Understudy - Coen Courtemanche

Kelsi Neilson - Quinn Chartier

Zeke Baylor - Colby Tierney

Ms. Darbus - Sarah Nichols

Coach Bolton - Liam Mangieri

Moderator/Ms. Tenny (math teacher) - Cora Winslow

SONGS in order and who should be present:

WILDCAT CHEER - CHEERLEADERS (Cora you are in this one as a cheerleader)

Start of Something new - ALL CAST - (Coach and Darbus are students here)

Getcha Head in the Game - JOCKS - (Coach Bolton will be a player in a quick change all the boys should plan on being present for recording of this piece to include Tate and Tanner who will lend their voices to this number when we record, the actual dance rehearsal Tate you do not need to attend.

AUDITIONS/BOP TO THE TOP - SHARPAY AND RYAN (understudies), Cyndra - Anna McSherry, Cathy - Skye Martin, Susan - Paeton Griswold, James - Tanner Dickerson, THESPIANS - Jordan Davis-Raymond, Sam Fraser, Madison Richardson, Cora Winslow, Quinn Chartier



STATUS QUO - ALL CAST (Liam you will be a jock here, Cora you can be either a thespian or a cheerleader, Sarah Nichols you will be a brainiac.

COUNTING ON YOU - JOCKS AND BRAINIACS, MODERATOR (for singing recording and blocking Liam and Tanner you will be jocks, Cora you will sing for the recording for this number).

WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER - same group as above for blocking this scene ^^ (for recording ALL CAST must know this number).





Let's have a great week! 😁

Friday, March 12, 2021



What a great week it has been, here's to COVID taking a back seat, safely acquiring memories, and making a dent in the work to be done to our production in May, which will be here before we know it!  The kids have been fantastic and worked so hard!  Here several fun pictures I captured during the mayhem that is directing a show of middle-schoolers. 😅😎😉 We have an Instagram account HMMS_Musical if you wanted to follow along there as well, in the meantime cheers to a great week, a t-shirt store up and running (Thank you, Gregg Nalette of Grand Stand Apparel), and another fun rehearsal this evening.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 

*Reminder: Next week is short because of the half-day on Thursday and Friday (no rehearsal those days).

Please double-check the calendar so your child doesn't miss anything!  

GOOD MEMORIES - 1st-week success!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

ONE YEAR AGO and now!

Nearly one year from the date, when we walked away, and I read the sign out front of the school that said, "see you in two weeks," I was able to hold a small, in-person singing rehearsal yesterday for the play. The students were masked; we had time limitations, and it wasn't the same, but it was a step closer, and I was more emotional than I planned to be.

I left practice feeling genuinely happy, dare I say hopeful? Not just because the kids sounded even better than I remembered but also because we were making music again, together. It's a beautiful thing! I can't fully articulate the frustrations of making music outside, but it isn't a perfect system, that's for sure. Imagine competing with cars, wind, weather, distractions, birds, bugs, having to move equipment back and forth. It's been a lot, it is still a lot, but sunshine, warmer temps, and new guidelines for performing together again definitely feels hope-filled!

So, there's that, and then the logistics of this week. We are not singing inside the gym on dance days. If we sing, we will move outside. We are focusing on syncing the group with the dance steps first. Today, Tomorrow, and Friday 3-5 PM are ALL CAST days! Can you see my smile behind my mask? Because I AM SMILING!

Thursday and Monday's rehearsals were changed. Please see the updates on the calendar. The cast has been updated in the classroom as well.  

Thank you for allowing your children to be a part of this year's musical! Thank you for making music and performance a priority. Thank you for the masks dropped off already. Just in case I miss a thank you or twelve in the coming weeks here are some proactive thanks. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thirty-eight school days and counting to production, and I do not doubt with proper COVID protocols and this group's incredible talents we will get there!

With a grateful heart, Kristen Chapman

Sunday, March 7, 2021

The COVID FACTS of putting on a musical in 2021!

I'd like to start by congratulating everyone again that has decided to be a part of this year's musical, it is sure to be a great time!

There are several important pieces to making this happen and keeping everyone safe in doing so.

  • There are 38 school days until our show that will be used for rehearsals
  • Students can pick up their scripts from Ms. Chapman or at the first rehearsal.  
  • All students will be required and on their honor to practice the music from home, there is a zip file located in the Classroom, I will also be loading mp3's of the songs to the classroom as well. When the weather allows we will be practicing music in-person/masked outside.
  • Monday's and Thursday's will be used for blocking, acting, and singing (as the weather gets warmer or with small groups) - We need the blue medical masks for rehearsals indoors if anyone is looking for a way to help.
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday will be devoted to dancing rehearsals, in the gym at the middle school, or outside for large group blocking rehearsals. 
  • Rehearsals start on March 8th (TOMORROW) Monday 3-5 PM
  • If your child is in school all day they don't have to worry about the rehearsal check-in process.
  • If your child is on the off-color school day they will need to arrive at the end door by the football field where I will meet them and check them in, temperature and questions.
  • Your child must be masked at all times, as the weather gets warmer and even outside they will need to be masked because of the size of the group.
  • They must maintain social distancing at all times and bathroom trips and water bottle fill-ups will be one at a time.
  • EVERY child must have their own WATER BOTTLE.
  • Because of masking, we aren't going to do food breaks, but we will do a water break most likely outside whenever the weather allows.
  • Kids will be outside and waiting for their rides at 5:00 PM according to my cell phone, any announcements will be done via this website so that we don't hold them up and ultimately you up.
  • There are rehearsals Monday - Friday but the actual groups are clearly labeled on the cast list PDF if for some reason you need clarification of your child's practice schedule please do not hesitate to ask. 
  • There will be a weekend recording session, NOT vacation weekends or Easter but before the musical, stay tuned, the timing will be important!
  • My email is Any issue, or schedule questions should be emailed to me, please.
  • Leslie Rench can be contacted at and if you have a costuming question or a concern you can contact her there.
  • There will be a need for help to move things from the catacombs to stage and for set building, over April break, if you are inclined to help, the schedule will be mornings mostly and COVID precautions and masking will be mandatory throughout.
  • The dates for our show are May 7th and 8th.  The show will be live-streamed from the HHS auditorium. 
  • Showtime is 7 PM
  • All show access is $10.00 for a family pass, and $7.00 individual.
  • We will be working on a couple different fundraisers to help defray the costs for this odd show year.
  • T-shirt orders will happen this year, there will be a website to purchase the t-shirts that link will be available shortly.  All t-shirts will be $15.00.
  • Please favorite this page if you haven't already.
  • The Calendar tab is on the right side of this home page.
Thank you for reading this far, here we go! ~Kristen Chapman

Friday, March 5, 2021

TO THE CAST! the cast list will be published in one hour!

 Hello Everyone and Congratulations on making the decision to be a part of the Spring Musical!

THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR AUDITIONS, and your patience through the technological struggles, it's about time to get this show on the road!

Yesterday, I sent an email to the kids that were set to audition into the evening. The message from the second half of the email rings true. Please, read on, and again, for those that have seen these words already, it bears repeating!

It is so much fun to be a part of a show. Never forget that is or should be the MAIN reason to be a part of any production.  It is BRAVE to audition and to risk disappointment but you can choose to grow from every experience!

Our fantastic historic shows were because we had a lot of talented kids who yes, we believe were cast correctly, but someone else might have chosen differently. This doesn't mean we were wrong in how we cast our shows but these same shows would NOT have been fantastic if not for the kids who wanted to be there who were highly talented and lent their talents to the production no matter their role, principal, or ensemble.

Sometimes you are called back because you are being looked at for a potential lead, and other times we just need to see more from you, more focus, more whatever...but it also means that sometimes you will be cast in the ensemble, again or for the first time.  I can't tell you how to navigate your sadnesses and disappointments but I can tell you that you do have a choice in how it affects your overall experience and I trust that each and every one of my students knows how highly I regard you as humans! I love you all, and would not give out a lead only to ultimately hurt another of you...that's not in my DNA and it hurts my heart that any of you would ever think that!

I've been where you are, I have auditioned time and again and sometimes it worked out, I got the role I wanted, and other times it didn't. It is the nature of theater, as you know.

All this to say, I (we) value you, and admire your dedication to this craft which feels intimidating to so many.  No matter what the cast list says in an hour we are so proud of you and I (we) hope you will be proud of yourselves too! 

Several of you have been double cast, please read the list in its entirety.  

💟Ms. Chapman

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


 I feel like Anna from Frozen right about now, for a number of reasons, the freezing cold temperatures for sure but "It's Audition Day" feels about as exciting as "It's Coronation Day"!  Oh my Disney-brain! ;) 

Today is the day!

There is STILL TIME TO GATHER FRIENDS to audition too!  I would love to have 25 - 35 kids at least!  We can do this and it will be AWESOME!

There is a new tab on the right of this page that says:

AUDITIONS this has the links for the practice videos and the videos that you will use for auditions.

I heard that the zip file for the music from the show was giving folks a hard time, please accept the HMMSMUSICAL classroom page or email me for an invite if somehow I missed you.

Those that have accepted should have received word that I uploaded audio files of guide vocals and the audition instrumental-only tracks this morning!  I am hoping this will correct the issue most were having!  Again, do not fret you will have an opportunity to practice upon arrival too (as always)!

I am so excited to get this show on the road and I hope you are too!

Thanks and break a leg, everyone!

With love and best wishes, Ms. Chapman

Monday, March 1, 2021

Here are the links for the auditions

 It's not too late to sign up!  You can do it in person today 3/1 or 3/3 or email Ms. Chapman the time you need for auditioning.  Wednesday 4:30 - 6 and 6:30 - 8PM. Callbacks on Thursday 5:30  - 7:30PM

Thanks, Ms. Chapman

These are the pieces below...Get'cha is the baritone audition, and What I've been looking for is the soprano/alto audition

REMINDER - MAKE THE DANCE your own, add some sass, really go for it! :)

Email Ms. Chapman with questions!

Final weeks Updates 4/29 - 5/ 3

Good Evening -  Happy Sunday! What a productive week and weekend we had. I hope the cast has spent time resting and reviewing their lines, s...