Monday, April 7, 2014


Once again we are needing to change things because of schedule glitching.  I do apologize profusely for the need to be so flexible so early in the process and do so appreciate your willingness to do so.  It has been a tough winter with so much sickness and winter weather meaning forced closings and cancellations.  We will arrive at production week one way or another, but it is my hope that adding a few minutes here and there and adding back this Friday will help us all feel better about the final product!

Most important memo of the day are the principle photos today.  The people that need to be present today are the following: Belle, Beast, Gaston, LeFou, Maurice, Monsieur Dark/Bookseller, Madame De La Grande Bouche, Babette, Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Narrators 1-4, Dance Corps, Belle Understudy, Narrator Understudy, Silly Girls.  These pictures originally scheduled to take place in at Sable and Sons (Devin Josler's photo studio) have been moved to the middle school for ease for both the students and for you their rides home.  Thank you for adjusting.  These students should have white shirts, collared, or otherwise but BRIGHT WHITE and PLAIN for the head shots for the program, thank you.

This week's rehearsal on Thursday has had to be truncated because of  the history fair planned for that evening.  This means that we will have rehearsal on Friday from 3-5 before break, because we need to make up lost time thank you for adjusting accordingly.

Also, SUPER IMPORTANT TO NOTE, we are moving into the high school auditorium this THURSDAY and FRIDAY evening.  I need people not afraid to get dusty and not afraid of heavy lifting.  MANY HANDS MAKES LIGHT WORK.  The more people we have these two days the farther along we can be heading into April Break.  Please RSVP to my email so I will know who we are feeding and who I can count on to be there.

Thanks to those that have spent the weekend cutting and sewing already with Leslie, there will be more work days coming in the next few weeks, of this I am certain!

Thank you for your support of this show.

Have a good rest of the day, Kristen Chapman

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