Friday, February 13, 2015

Audition Policy

Hartford Memorial Middle School’s Casting Philosophy:
At HMMS _every_ child that auditions will be cast in our show. Therefore the main purpose for auditioning is so the production staff can assess each of the student’s abilities as we see fit for our overall show/vision.
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Specifically what we look for:
1. A Positive Attitude. Students need to show a positive attitude and the willingness to learn and have fun! This also means the student is a good listener in class and participates while following directions.  For kids on academic probation they cannot be given a leading role but they _can_ be a part of the production provided they maintain and follow the school’s probation procedure (ie; checking in weekly with their teachers and maintaining a satisfactory rating)
2. Confidence. Some students have this naturally, while other students are shy and need theatre to help them to open up. Ultimately, the directors ask themselves: Who can do the role in front of 425 people? We never want to cast a student in a role that they aren’t prepared to perform in front of a large audience.  (
3. Ability. The student auditioning for a lead role must show that they can hit the notes as written in the score, project those notes so they can be heard, show an understanding of the character, connect with fellow actors, and most importantly demonstrate a willingness to do whatever the director wants. (
All Students are critical to the success of each show!  Do your best, and please trust us to make the best choices for the benefit of the whole!  Break a leg one and all!   


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