Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 Thank you for making this show a reality!

Singing with the kids outside the last three days of rehearsal, bearing the wind and cold and reveling in the sunshine, rolling with the hiccups and roadblocks, temperature checks and masks through it all they still arrive, full of smiles, with never-ending energy and unfailing optimism! 

This Saturday will be the toughest test of their resolve and commitment to make this the best pandemic- High School Musical Jr. -that's ever been attempted...but seriously, I have no doubt they'll rise to the occasion!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to say, thanks! From the bottom of my heart!  They really make it all so worth it!

With much love, Kristen Chapman

1 comment:

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  CAST LIST Narrator - See Ms. Chapman Ava Beane  SOPRANO 1 Narrator - See Ms. Chapman Mirren Walther SOPRANO 2 Narrator - See Ms. Chapman N...