Thursday, April 29, 2021

Good Morning on this rainy day!

 First things first, I need to correct an autocorrect fail for the last name thank you from a blog ago. 

Thank you to the Krapovicky-Chartiers for their generous donation, the Winslow Family and to the Griswolds your donations will come in handy paying for the rights and the building fees associated with this year's show.

Second, I wanted to give you a heads up that we are into the final week of the show, for those new to this, it may mean a few minutes over at the end of rehearsal.  We will try to get the kids outside as close to five as possible as we recognize many of you have other places to be. However, in the interest of getting all the notes done, last-minute costume decisions made, and perhaps finalizing a number know that we may be slightly after 5 when the kids are released.

This brings me to our show week break down.

Thursday (5/6) is a mandatory dress rehearsal for the entire cast and crew. The time for that is 3-6 PM (again recognizing we may go slightly over having to hang up costumes).

Your child should come with hair and makeup done (if they are home for the day, please) and if they are at school please have them come with the hairstyle they intend to wear for the show (I am speaking mostly to the long-haired ladies of the cast).

Drop-off will remain at the middle school through next week's dress rehearsal on Thursday.

Pick-ups will be at the high school front entrance (as they have been).

Friday 5/7 and Saturday 5/8 are show days.  The whole cast should arrive with hair and makeup done for 5:30 PM, this will allow attendance, warmups (not vocal, sadly) but physical and then any last-minute notes and microphone packs for the principals. 

The show start time is 7PM, this will be available to stream on the evening you purchased a pass.

The run time is approximately 1hr and 5 minutes. Your child can be picked up in front of the high school following the show.

On Saturday evening we are planning a small gathering OUTSIDE for cast and crew following our final show.  Pizza and Ice cream sandwiches are on the menu.  Pray for good weather!  We do have the tent to utilize but this will be from 8:10 - 9:10 or thereabout, you are welcome to collect your child whenever but since we can't have our traditional cast party this was the next best thing.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out via email!  Thank you to everyone for your commitment to making this show a reality!

There is still time to order tickets, please help get the word out!

All the best, Kristen

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Callbacks today 2/11/2025

 Under the AUDITION CENTRAL tab, you can see the week's breakdown.  However, to ensure you are aware, there are 16 students we have aske...