Thursday, April 22, 2021

What a blur...

 Good Morning, 

The first week back is nearly complete.  Listening to the ooh's and ahh's from the kids upon our return from break and their first time seeing the set is always exciting.  The hard work and time spent over April break validated by their appreciation! 

This is an exciting and busy time for everyone, Spring sports have picked up and the play nearing completion it's almost, dare I say, feeling pre-pandemic in its crazy-normalcy!

The first week back from break I always try to make a flex week so that students called to do more than just the musical have the freedom to be a part of multiple things but we are approaching the week and a half leading to the show and every moment we can have the entire cast and crew present all the better for our final product. 

We are still going to be doing drop-offs at the end door of the middle school and then pick-ups at the high school through May 6th. The show evening schedules will look a little different, please stand by for more details about this.

There are currently no temperature checks as per the state of Vermont Covid protocols but the expectations for masking and social distancing have not changed.  The only real difference is that the questions and temp checks should be administered at home and of course, if your child is under the weather please keep them home and contact me and the school nurse. 

Ticket sales are going quite well, the link is CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS or you can visit any of our social media venues or the under the extracurricular tab. Thank you for your patronage and support of our program!

Onward, have a wonderful weekend, Kristen Chapman

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Callbacks today 2/11/2025

 Under the AUDITION CENTRAL tab, you can see the week's breakdown.  However, to ensure you are aware, there are 16 students we have aske...