Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Good Evening -

As with everything these days, we are ever changing and adjusting.  We hope you all are well and staying healthy and home, but connected.  We would like to remind you that you can reach out to us via email with any questions should they arise in the coming weeks.

Sadly, yesterday we received word that Vermont is going to stay at home until the 15th of April, this PROBABLY puts us off the mark of being in school the week before break though nothing official is out, and everything is still so up in the air...with that in mind Leslie and I thought it prudent to at least come forward with some newer information, even with that knowledge we are hopeful that by the 20th of April we will see some normalcy return.

This means we have a new but still hopeful plan for making the musical a reality this year, we might only be postponing the eventual cancellation but we are really trying to make something come to fruition for the kids, because they deserve to have this.

This is our most recent plan after a lengthy meeting to brainstorm and troubleshoot the latest news.

  • I will upload the music for practice to the new Musical Classroom that you or your child was added to.
  • You will continue to sing along and learn your parts in the musical
  • You will continue to memorize lines
  • There will be no costumes this year instead everyone will wear a LMjr tshirt and jean bottoms of some kind, skirts, skorts, shorts, pants, capris something jean blue and sneakers.
  • We will do hair, no makeup.
  • We will handle the show as though it's a performance concert, the risers from the high school will be used.  All members of the show will be on the stage for the duration.  The scenes will happen in front of the risers.
  • If and when we return on the 20th of April rehearsals will be 3PM-6PM daily at the high school
  • The week of the show looks a little different.  We will attempt matinee performances.
  • Thursday night the 7th of May we will go dark (this means no performance).
  • Friday night the 8th at 7PM we will hold our first performance
  • Saturday at 4PM we will do a show with the understudies performing the lead parts
  • Saturday at 7PM we will do a final show with the leads as cast.
  • There will be no intermission
  • There will be no set fee for entrance
  • Following the show since there will be no strike needed, we will share a few moments to give thanks for a year that almost wasn't and then head home.
No doubt this will be a huge undertaking with the short time to approach this but I have every faith in my team and with the kids that we can pull this off.  Mrs. Rench and I discussed that even going back to school we might be still told no large events in which case we may still have to lay the musical to rest for 2020, the final decision will not be up to us in it's entirety.  As with everything right now all we can do is plan and hope for the best and roll with what we are dealt.

We miss you all, and thank you for understanding this latest hurdle, with love, Ms. Chapman & Mrs. Rench

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 Rehearsal is for all cast - NOT YOUTH CHORUS - from 3 - 5 PM in Ms. Chapman's room.  We will be singing!  Come ready to work! We will h...