Monday, March 16, 2020

Response to COVID-19 Uncharted territory for musical learning

Good Morning All -

We wish we were writing you under better circumstances, but we are coming from a calmer place now that a plan has been laid out by our administration. (Notice from the Superintendent)  It's been a tense few weeks and we are so grateful to all your children for continuing to bring their silliness and laughter.  We will undoubtedly miss our afternoons and their creative energies flowing most of all over the next three weeks.

With that said, we are remaining hopeful that we can return to our show at the end of this time away.  This is a novel virus and with that comes changes by the day right now as we work together to social distance in the community effort to keep our loved ones healthier. 

I, Kristen, will be making dance videos (gulp, this is a huge concession for me considering I steer clear on videoing myself).  I will be singing and sharing parts of the vocal pieces via my Youtube channel or here...but somehow I will share this with your children stay tuned.  They all have their scripts at this point, there is no reason not to spend a portion of their time memorizing lines and songs and dances when the videos become available.  You're welcome in advance for the entertainment (Face palm).

An important reminder, T-SHIRT ORDERS are due this week!  We are not wanting folks to come en masse to make drop offs but as we will be working all week we can arrange for a drop off for the t-shirt orders or I (Kristen) will make one time at the end of the week, stay tuned.  IF the show doesn't get finished, we imagine we'll all have these t-shirts as a reminder of that year when... WE ARE PRAYING that doesn't happen.  If your children are here at school today or tomorrow remind them to bring their t-shirt orders to Ms. Chapman.

In 2012 High School Musical was the show, but the words ring true "we're all in this together"!  And together we will get through!

The show must go on, and it will until we're told it can't! 

Be well, be kind, and stay healthy! 

Much love, Kristen Chapman & Leslie Rench

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