Saturday, April 18, 2020

The end of Spring break has made me even sadder about this so I'm reaching out to say hello...

Well Friends,

The end of April break has always marked the end of an annual milestone for us.  By this Sunday evening we would have had a set awaiting the students for their return on Monday.  It bears saying, that I have so missed the creative process and all of you that so willingly give of yourselves every April.  In an attempt to try to improve my head and heart space, I am reaching out to all of you.

Here's the idea, courtesy of my son's brainstorming, what if we create a cast photo with head shots of every kid?  You with me?  If every student in the show, and our techies could please wear a BLACK (non-print) tshirt/shirt (for all with long(er) hair make sure to pull it back) and smile into the camera it would be much appreciated!  Every image should be an approximation of a head shot like you would see in the school yearbook.  What does this mean exactly, well it would mean ideally I can't accept selfies as they tend to be too close up.  If you could please ask mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, someone in your home to help you, you'll need a blank wall space, ideally white or light colored so your face stands out from the black frame you create with your shirt and send them to me via email to by this Wednesday the 22nd of April.  If a selfie is what you have however, do your best to fit the frame like a yearbook head shot and send it along, I would rather have an image than none at all.  Your help with this will be much appreciated.  When you send your photo please also write your name as you wish it to appear in the "program" and also the roles you were given.  I can't wait to create a composite photo of the cast of Little Mermaid Jr. 2020.  You deserve to have something to remember this crazy year by.

I am so sorry your show didn't go off as planned, but in all fairness to this year's cast and out of respect to this year's 8th graders this show will be in all future programs listed as the show that was cancelled for the Covid-19 Pandemic and if that can be viewed as a good thing?...  You at least have made history in my 17 years of directing the Spring show ;)!

Mrs. Rench and I have talked a little of choices, so stay tuned for next year's show.

Lastly, regarding t shirts, because we are out of school through Summer now t shirts will not happen this year.  I will return funds for t shirts to any and all that request payment back, that money however, is away in the safe at school until which time we return, if you sent a check you could go ahead and void it.  Anyone wanting to donate their t shirt money to our account please let me know.  As always, we thank you for your donations to the program!

We will get through this, we will be stronger than before, we are ALWAYS stronger together! 

Stay safe and stay connected, with love always, Ms. Chapman

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 Rehearsal is for all cast - NOT YOUTH CHORUS - from 3 - 5 PM in Ms. Chapman's room.  We will be singing!  Come ready to work! We will h...